Week #30


Farmer's Market fruit is simply the 'best!'
We purchased several peaches at the farmer's market in Boulder on Saturday.  In a matter of less than two days, the peaches had to be eaten or would have been moldy by the day's end.  What I loved about the produce we purchased that day is that it was hand-picked with no additional preservatives added!  The peaches that I had purchased at the store the week prior were not near as juicy and sat on the counter for a week before they even looked remotely ripe.  Makes you wonder the chemical coating that is on those store bought peaches to make them last so long??????


And HE knows how to get you there.
Why do I question that path or destination that God has for me?

My daily choices allow me to somewhat control my destination (in the short-term), however, my long-term destination is predetermined.  If I choose to compete against what God wants for me, I will unfortunately circle around a path that will never lead me to where I am destined to be.  I could not design a path that would be better for me than what God has planned for me.  So, stay on that predestined path even if it has several bends, is barren, is flooded, is thick with brush, is scenic, is filled with rocks or tree branches, is straight and boring, or seems to not be the right path.  
God never promises an easy path, HE promises a path made just for you!  



Finally found a planner that is functional for my needs.  I have purchased many over the years with hopes that 'this will be the year' my planner helps me stay organized.  The brand is The Happy Planner and I purchased it at Hobby Lobby (with a coupon of course - in case you didn't know you can go to their web page and there is always a 40% coupon on one regular priced item).  I just noticed that Wal-Mart is carrying this brand (in their Back To School section), but in a smaller version. 


I am trying to limit my time watching Facebook videos, so I downloaded this game as an alternative.  I figure if I am going to waste time, I can at least try to use some of my brain cells.  Fun game that might actually improve my vocabulary or cause me to become slightly addicted.  It's a toss up!


A walk a with friend is time well-spent. 

When I walk with friends, the time just flies by and before we know it, we have walked five miles. 

I refer to my walking sessions as the best mental health care for my soul.  

 For all of you OCD people out there, like myself, please just look beyond that we ended our walk on 5.86 miles.  


Pastor Lisa praying for the mission trip participants before they embark on a week of serving others in Poplar Bluff, Missouri.

The awesome part of this trip once again is that it was a 'mystery' mission trip.  This means the destination is kept a mystery up until the kids figure it out.  As of this picture, not a single one of them knew where they were headed.  As the parent of a participant, we were entrusted with the information just as the students found their seat on the bus.  We knew they were going to be on the bus for at least 22 hours and that they were going to travel through several states before arriving at their home for the next week.

This is the 11th time I have arrived at the church to send one of my children off on a mission trip.  

2009- Spokane, WA
2010 - Birmingham, AL
2011- Milwaukee, WI
2012- Milwaukee, WI


2013- New York, NY
2014- Minot, ND
2015- Flathead Lake, MT
2016- Oregon/Washington


2017- Detroit, MI
2018- Puerto Rico
2019- Poplar Bluff, MO

Wow - what a gift these mission trips are to my children.  I know the intent of mission work is to serve others and help those that cannot physically, mentally, or financially help themselves.
BUT.................................. what I have found through my own children is that they learned so much and changed a bit inside after each trip.  They grew in their faith, learned to put others needs before their own, connected with others, and developed an appreciation for the blessings in their life.  
Those are life experiences that money cannot buy.  



First and foremost - I think my constant hounding of organization might have gotten through to Aiden.  This mama's heart skipped a beat when I saw that he actually checked off the items as he packed them.  Yahoo - maybe just maybe he will be ready for college life in a year.

Secondly, shout out to St. John for requiring that the kids leave their cell phones at home.  Even though I have never gone an entire week without talking to him, I know this sabbatical will be good for both of us.  Their cell phones are such a distraction that it will encourage them to have conversations and engage with others and reflect on the work they are doing.  

God is providing me with this opportunity (sabbatical) to begin the process of letting go! 


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