Week #29


I have always found dragonflies fascinating.  This one, in particular, is actually quite simple in color, as my favorites are the ones with blue/purple iridescent coloring.  I did a bit of research on the dragonfly and found out some interesting facts.
1.  They have almost 360 degree vision (one small blind spot right behind them).
2.  They lay their eggs in water and the larvae molt up to 17 times underwater before surfacing.  Unfortunately, their lifespan outside the water is a short 6 months.  
3.  A single dragonfly can eat anywhere from 30 to hundreds of mosquitoes per day.  
4.  If you would like to take up the hobby of dragonfly watching, you would be 'oding'


Do you ever find yourself waiting, waiting, and waiting for a specific event, specific day, specific week, or specific month?   When we have a vacation planned, I often wish away the days before our departure.  There are so many others that do the same, and yet for some of those individuals, the day of departure never comes.  We are not promised the next second of breath, much less, days or weeks.  Waiting for the next big thing will never bring honest enjoyment, but rather a longing for wanting something more.  


Anyone else out there need to mentally prepare yourself for hair washing and drying day? 
My whole life schedule revolves around the days I must deal with my hair.
I seriously would go weeks without doing it if I could.  I'm sure several of you are already thinking..... why doesn't she just use dry shampoo?  I already do that, but the two times per week I am forced to style it, I have to commit to at least an extra hour.  It makes me wonder if this is why older women (like myself) often cut their hair short.  My age makes me value my time differently and I question if spending hours styling my hair is a waste of time?  


SHOUT OUT to MAD GREENS for not disappointing once again.  I am not sure if you all love this place as much as I do, but in my opinion, it is a healthy option when you are on the road traveling.  It is considered a fast-food restaurant, but it surely doesn't taste like a fast-food salad.  


Simple beauty!

Nature is my happy place.  

We spent the day in Estes Park on Friday enjoying the beautiful scenery which surrounded us.  We watched people fly fishing, people swimming, people kayaking, people boating, people walking their dogs, people riding bike, people just using the land for what it was meant for ..... enjoying the landscapes from sunrise to sunset.  


That third runner is the reason we are visiting Colorado.  He is attending the Boulder Running Camp for the 2nd year.  He absolutely loved it last year and wanted to come back for round two.  He was impressed with the directors and college runners who continually educated the runners on the importance of hydration, self-care, nutrition, routine, and sleep.  If you want to be competitive, the training begins months and months before you place that foot on the start line in August.

Wednesday - 95 degrees
Thursday - 97 degrees
Friday - 99 degrees
Saturday - 86 degrees
Sunday - 81 degrees
Altitude: 5,340
Not ideal conditions for training, but it sure probably makes running in ND at 60 degrees feel like a piece of cake.  


Boulder Canyon Trail was lovely as well.  People (definitely not Greg and I) were tubing down Boulder Creek despite the temperature of the super cold water.  It looked like fun but until the water feels like a lukewarm bath, I am out!
 I love the outdoorsy nature of the community and I told Greg I could see myself living here!

I took a look at the housing market.  I tried to find a comparable home to ours (square footage, bedrooms, baths, yard, etc).

Pretty sure unless we hit the lottery, we will NEVER live in Boulder. 


The drive to Boulder sure is beautiful. I really do not think I would tire of this each and every day.  I wonder if those that live in Boulder feel the same or if they eventually take for granted the stunner that stands before them.

You know me and how I like to give recognition to a great coffee joint.  The OZO Coffee Company is pretty fantastic!  We also stopped at The Laughing Goat and Paul's Coffee & Tea.  One of our highlights of traveling is trying all of the neat coffee spots.  I truly feel so grateful for the technology that allows us to find these places quickly!  I had almost forgotten about the days of pulling out the giant atlas and telling the kids to be quiet so we can concentrate.  Oh, how life has changed.

Enjoy the fourth week of July everyone!


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