Week #26


Humans of New York began as a series of photos of random people on the streets of New York.  I bought the book as I was fascinated with the stories that accompanied the pictures.  The author Brandon Stanton started to interview the individuals and add their stories alongside their photo.  He has expanded his passion to other countries and created a Facebook page to share his platform.  I am a follower, as the unique stories are incredibly inspiring, thought-provoking, sad, or full of joy.

"I think the feeling I'm trying to resolve is a sense of enoughness "

Wow, that statement spoken by the young lady from the post is quite profound in my opinion. 
 Why do we always feel we must have more? 
 More never brings fulfillment or happiness, yet many of us seek it.  
Can't WE just be enough...... can't our JOBS be enough, can't our HOUSES be enough, can't our SALARIES be enough, can't our HAPPINESS be enough......... why do we search for something more when most of us have more than enough?


Just in case you were not aware that the holiday season is right around the corner, I thought I would remind you!  

Greg was chosen by Conoco Phillips as the STEM teacher of the month and was honored at the BigSticks game in Dickinson.  He was given the privilege of throwing out the first ball, which was well-deserved.  He works incredibly hard to ensure his students leave his classes mastering the material and is the first to try a hands-on project or new method of instruction as a way to help students succeed.  He has had the pleasure of teaching all three of our children.  With a heavy heart, he has decided to leave the science classroom and try something new.  He will be DHS's first Technology Integration Coach.  He is super excited about this new challenge and I have no doubt he will do an amazing job.


Hydrogen infused water?  Did you know there was such a thing?  Aiden has tried to convince us that the research says this water helps reduce inflammation (and I guess that is good for a runner).  Well, at $1.98 for 11 ounces, it should do a lot more than reduce a little inflammation.  Although, when I compare the cost to my 16 ounce latte at $4.78 (without a tip), I realize the only benefit I can come up with is that I am a much nicer person when I have my coffee!


Do you remember my boards from last week?  If not, I shared that I was working on a project.  I attempted to make nicely sanded wood look old and worn.  I think it turned out better than I had anticipated.  Pinterest has the best ideas.  The decorations are not quite what I had envisioned, but nothing that a stop at Hobby Lobby can't fix.


The Badlands NEVER get old or any less beautiful.  Greg and I attended the musical for the 4th time this summer and hope to make it to several more.  


Speaking of the Medora Musical, this quote is mentioned several times during the show.  Each time I hear it, it is a great reminder that we need to make the most of any situation we are in at that exact moment.  Do not wait for the perfect moment to start something new or you may be waiting forever - begin today! This quote applies to each and every one of us wherever we are on life's journey.  As the young lady responded on the Humans of New York Facebook page, wherever you end up is not maybe what you anticipated; however, you must do what you can with what you are given.   


College Tour - Stop #1
Winona State University, Winona, MN

UGH - so not ready for this!  
I wished Winona was just a bit less lovely!
Winona is a long way from home - just saying. 
Next stop - Duluth, MN

and guess what, Duluth is a long way from home as well!


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