Week #25


As I was leaving the monthly school board meeting, I came upon this wonderful sight.  I pulled over and took a few moments to just gaze at this full moon.  What is interesting is that the moon never changes shape, yet what we see is sometimes only a fraction of what exists.  I got to wondering how I have never taken the time to enjoy the beauty of anything less than a full moon.   Just some random Monday night thoughts!


Well, this bathroom is in need of a makeover.  In the planning stages, a color change seems like no big deal until one starts to paint over a dark color.  I feel like I have been painting, painting, and painting and am still not done as I keep seeing spots where this lovely turquoise shows through.  I always have these visions that I can paint a room in less than a day; however, I am pretty sure that has never happened in my existence of redoing a room.  Maybe one of these times I will learn that my ideas never take less than a day----- I will be lucky if I have a finished product in less than a week.


Let us all take a just a second and be grateful for the air conditioning in our vehicles.  A/C is no longer a luxury in vehicles, but is standard with any vehicle purchased within the last 30 years.  I am old enough to remember life without air conditioning.   

This 4-door Chevy Nova Medalist (in gold) was exactly what my father purchased in 1976.  This bad boy made it to church every Sunday, out to the Enderle farm in Taylor, to the Kuhn farm in Dickinson, and some long trips to the Beartooth Mountains.  I might just add that two adults and five children were crammed into this hot rod with the windows rolled down because there was NO air conditioning.  What is weird is that I don't even remember fighting with my siblings (mom and dad might have a different memory).  As I reminisce about our time in this vehicle, I cannot help but compare to the traveling Greg and I have done with our family.  First..... there were not enough seat belts for all of us (those were the days when seatbelts were an unused accessory and if you happened to accidentally touch the buckle on a hot day you were left with 2nd degree burns and immediate blisters).   Second.....how did my parents manage to fill the entire car with humans and have enough space for luggage in the trunk.  If I recall, my mom would pack the trunk and then take it all out and then try once again (only to probably do that several more times).  Third....back in the early 80's, personal electronic entertainment did not exist for children ranging in age from 1-11, so we were forced to listen to dad's music.  I'm pretty sure that AM radio station played only the BeeGee's or the Eagles (or that is all that I remember). This gem of a car lasted through all of the kids, however, once the younger boys got to her, they treated her a bit rough and she just wasn't good enough anymore, so they went out and bought their own fancy vehicles that their fast food hourly wage could afford.  


Grandma Toni started the tradition of treating us all to the Medora Musical every 4th of July.  She would pick up Jack's fried chicken and all of the extras and we would spend the day walking around Medora, attending the parade, and finishing the night off with the musical.  She deserves a seat in her honor!  Thanks Toni for starting a tradition we hope to carry on with our children.


I go to the pantry looking for rice and this is how I found the bag???????
Seriously, on the bottom of the bag it says-------
resealable, pull to open, resealable
Not sure who opened this bag (Aiden says it was not him), so I guess that only leaves one other person in this house (GREG).

All I can do is shake my head in confusion!    😕


This is my attempt at turning perfectly sanded wood into old wood.  Aiden and I used several tools to 'rough up' this board.  It is not perfect, but actually turned out better than we expected.  I plan to use this in my freshly painted bathroom (whenever that gets done).  If the project turns out like it looks in my head, I will post additional photos of the finished product.  If it turns out like most of my projects (which usually end in frustration and not at all what I had envisioned) then you might see the 'nailed it' photos.  


Greg's first time kayaking and he didn't fall in or get hurt so that is a win!  He did say that it was relaxing and enjoyable, so hopefully we have many more of these afternoons to come.  It is hard to believe that this is in Dickinson and we could have been doing this for years.
🌳   ⛅   🌊

Happy Summer to you!


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