Week #24


Gabriel Grunewald is quite the inspiration.  I read several articles about her before her recent passing. She was a competitive runner who continued to live her life and pursue her dreams despite a diagnosis of cancer on more than one occasion.  Her tenacity is a reminder of the aurduous, daily grind and never giving up even when our heart and heads tell us to quit.  Life is too short already and can be much shorter for chosen individuals.  Embrace each and every day and be thankful for just one more second, one more minute, one more hour, one more day, one more week, one more month, and one more year as many are not afforded that gift.


These two are just embracing all of God's beauty.  They have both worked very hard to save money and travel the world.  They have traveled the last three summers to foreign lands they had both dreamed about for years.  They do all of the planning themselves and find such joy in finding the 'off the beaten path' destinations.  Their pictures are pretty amazing and they have experienced some of the most beautiful lands I have only seen in magazines, books, or on the internet.  My hope for them both is that their relationship grows and flourishes with each and every trip and they learn a bit more about each other (good and bad).  Safe travels home ✈


I need to continually remind myself that parts of life will be difficult and unpleasant, however, they are often temporary.  In the Bible, it does not guarantee a life of ultimate joy and happiness with no disappointments.  The goal for each of us is to wade through the waters of uncertainty (even if the current is pulling us down) and know that God has smoothed and calmed the waters ahead.


I just loved this quote because it is such a good reminder that quitting anything in life should not be option #1.  If you try and try and try and still fail, that shows much more perseverance than quitting.  Quitting is actually the easiest way out and should be least traveled path.


Greg posted this on his Facebook page and it really resonated with me.  I understand that it is hard to get kids to the 'great players' level, but I can guarantee you that the most successful athletes are at or beyond the 'great players' level.  Even the most naturally gifted athletes will not reach the highest level of their sport if they are not committed in all aspects of their life.  I do know that this mentality is not the norm for the majority of student athletes, but if performing at high levels is their goal, then they must dedicate themselves.  


Well - senior Saturday begins.  

A heartfelt thank you to Shawn and Laura Leiss for opening their home to us in the serene Black Hills.  It was great company and of course an insane spread of food.

 We decided to start the day with a hike in the Black Hills and then off to take round one of senior photos.  The kids decided on Sylvan Lake as the backdrop for their outdoor pictures.  I cannot disclose any of them until the editor (Aiden Jung) takes some time to edit his favorites!  With senior photos and moms (Laura and I), we encountered a few snarky and sassy moments, awkward poses, dirty glances, and silly smiles, yet some of the sweetest and gorgeous photos were captured on this beautiful day.  Cannot wait to see the final products!


Happy Father's Day to this guy.  He puts up with my crazy ways of living and doing life.  He has been a great dad to our children and I anticipate they feel much the same.  He has always worked hard to provide for our family (which includes our home, vehicles, vacations, and all of the other amazing things we have been able to experience in our 27 years together).

We joke about Greg's non-urgency with most things in life.  Here he is taking his sweet old time waiting for coffee to brew in his siphon coffee maker (I do not have the patience or self-control to wait as long as it takes in the siphon).  He just patiently waits and watches always reminding us that the good things in life cannot be rushed and that all good things come to those who wait.
The end of something is better than its beginning.  Patience is better than pride.
Ecclesiastes 7:8



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