Week #23


It seems that we all want to be winners of some sort in life, however, are we willing to put in the time and energy it takes to get to the finish line?  The destination of the finish line looks different to each of us and the journey to get there can be exhausting, overwhelming, stressful, and heartbreaking.  We have an urgency to bypass the uncomfortable moments to reach the finish line as fast as possible.  When in fact, those moments of distress are perfectly arranged and timed to give us the endurance and stamina to reach our own personal finish line.


I started to go through photos for Aiden's senior book and I came across this gem.  Aiden and Ali were buddies from day one!  It is amazing how much these two have grown into such wonderful young adults.  These photos truly bring tears to my eyes as I cannot come to terms with the reality that we have one short year left.


I love when our lilacs bloom in late spring.  We often take vacation in early June and miss the beauty of these lovely flowers.  As much as they are overgrown, we do not want to cut them down because it takes too many years for them to grow to this size.  When we bought this house 16 years ago in July, the backyard is what made us fall in love with the house, and we continue to cherish it now despite the work it takes to keep it looking beautiful (which I can honestly say I do very little).  


Aiden and I took the kayaks out on the Heart River.  It was so peaceful, serene, and just calming.  It is so interesting to see something from a different perspective.  I grew up with the Heart River in my backyard, but I found a new appreciation for the charm and beauty of the area.  We paddled past ducks, turtles, lots of fish, a gorgeous ranch, and a million (maybe billion) mosquitoes.  We actually spoke very little because the still quiet air with only the birds chirping was enough to bring pure joy to both of us.  


And God made the two great lights-the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night - and the stars.
Genesis 1:16
 I cannot recall ever seeing the moon peak through the skylight in the kitchen in all of my years living here.  It was perfectly timed for me to look up and see the beauty of God's creation.


I almost cannot believe this just happened.  We were prepared for this to happen (as Jack asked for our permission), but when your daughter sends you this text and calls to tell you the joyous news, I do not think a parent is ready to let their child go and become one with another.  She is so incredibly happy and that makes us so happy.  We look forward to Jack joining our family and are grateful for his dedication and love for our daughter.  


Greg and I attended a church service at one of our favorite places - Medora Musical Amphitheater.  It was lovely to have a service outdoors with sunny and warm weather.  Medora is quite magical and singing praise and worship music in the Badlands makes it even more special.  


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