Week #21


I saw this posted on Facebook and it really resonated with me because each brief quote is a great reminder of how to live your best life.  

1.  If you don't face your irrational fears, you allow them to control you.
I never paid attention to the fact that I had irrational fears until Greg so kindly pointed them out to me several years ago.  When I would obsess over the 'what if' scenario, more often than not that scenario never occurred.  I always felt that if I prepared myself for the worst case scenario, I would be ready for it.  What a waste of time, as I was prepared for hundreds of scenarios that never took place.  Imagine if I would have used that time for something more productive and beneficial to myself or others???

2.  Your attitude matters, and your mindset shapes your experiences.
I have preached this to my students on several occasions.  How we think about life is all in our mindset.  There is not one human on earth who has not experienced some sort of disappointment, sadness, hurt, loss, anger, or frustration.  The way one handles these moments is what will define how positive or negative the experience will end up.  Life is full of unpredictable curve balls that can only be dealt with head on and with an attitude of gratefulness.

3. You can be the kindest person in the world, and some people still won't like you.
OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH did this take me a long time to figure out.  I used to think I could please everyone and legitimately never wanted to disappoint anyone.  My co-workers who were more experienced in life would tell me that when I turn 40-years-old I won't feel the need to please and I really will not care what others think of me.  I truly did not believe that would ever occur for me.  Imagine that........ the adults with experience and wisdom were able to predict what might happen for me as it had done for them ! 

4.  Happiness is a feeling, not a goal.  Happiness can never be constant, and that's OK.
I am not trying to bash on the millennials, but they are under the impression that happiness is a state of constant being.  Life is full of twists and turns and many of those paths will include moments which are not happy or do not bring feelings of happiness and yes, that is OK!

5. Stop looking for external validation.  The opinions others have of you is not a mirror.
It does not productive to compare yourself to others.  We are brought into this world under different circumstances and our internal drive is what will build momentum to become the person we are intended to be.  Using outside sources to make yourself feel good will never pay off in the end, as it will only create feelings of resentment, sadness, failure, and worthlessness.  Those are definitely not feelings that will allow one to grow and flourish in today's society.

6. Question your thoughts sometimes.  Not everything you think is truth.
I AM NOT ALWAYS RIGHT - Greg--- please get back on your chair because I am sure you just fell off since you claim I have never admitted I am wrong.  

7.  You deserve the space you embody.  Stand tall.
Be proud of yourself and what you have to offer the world.  We are each designed so perfectly to use the gifts granted to us at birth.  Dig deep, self-reflect, and exude confidence and those gifts will rise to the surface!


Snap chat filter that turns you into the opposite gender.  Anyone think I look a lot like Mike????
I wish that filter could magically remove that valley between my eyebrows!



These two cuties finished their junior year of high school and will begin prepping for their senior year.  It is so hard to believe that these two have known each other since kindergarten in Mrs. Hoerner's class. I have no doubt these two are going to go on and do great things!


I just love when our school gets together and encourages the students.  The entire student body lined the hallways and the band played as the track athletes left for the state track meet.  So fun!


Not ideal conditions, but the boys figured out a way to finish strong.

Aiden and his teammate Brady Yoder ran the mile.  Unfortunately, due to an injury of another athlete they had to scratch the 4x800 relay which they had also qualified.  What I am most proud of is that there are two Dickinson High athletes that made the podium.  There is not one other team that had two runners make the top 8.  So proud of the boys' hard work and their coach (Coach Jung) for pushing them to give it their all and take risks despite a stacked field of talented runners.



Sunny conditions with very little wind = a great day for state track.  The boys ran the 2 mile and both made the podium.  Again, the only team to have two DHS boys in the top 8!  So proud of them both! 

Greg's sister, Kristin, captured some amazing photos of us all.  So thankful she snapped these few as they just make my heart melt 💗

Aiden's fan club - Landen, Ireland and Jack, grandma Toni, Kristin (taking the photo), Piper and her friend all made it to cheer the little nugget on! Thank you all for continuing to support him by braving the wind, cold, and rain at times just to see him run 🏃.

Well, that's a wrap on the 2019 track season for Aiden. 

MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE PHOTO - just a mom and her son having a moment. I really do not know how I will do this next year when he is a senior.  Good thing I have a year to figure it out! 


Congratulations to the Class of 2019!  
I love getting these in the mail from our friends' kids or Greg's students or athletes.  It is such an honor to receive so many.  I have all of my Richardton students' announcements hanging up in my office.  

What will become of all of these wonderful young adults? 
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
~Jeremiah 29:11


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