Week #20


If you are in the market for easy, inspirational reading, pick up this book.  I read Rachel's first book, 'Girl, Wash Your Face' and it was a super quick read.  She is brutally honest and real about herself and her flaws.  I appreciate that her goal is to empower women to do much the same and find power and strength within themselves to accomplish whatever they so desire.


Well, Miss Aika's time in America has come to an end.  She took off to spend a couple of days in Washington DC and then back home to Kyrgyzstan.  It has been fascinating learning about her cultural practices and her life back home.  Aika had the opportunity to ski for the first time and she absolutely killed it.  She took a lesson for a 1/2 day and was able to graduate beyond the beginner slope.  She was a natural and stuck with it despite several falls that naturally occur when one is learning to ski.  I hope her time with us was a great learning experience, and we wish her nothing but the best in her future endeavors.  


Aiden had his Spring Award's Program.  He was recognized for his accomplishments in cross country and in track.  He was also nominated for Dickinson High School male athlete of the year.  His teammate Brady Yoder was chosen, however, it was an honor to be recognized for his hard work.  Greg and I have been so proud of his dedication and commitment to running this school year. I hope he can be a role model to the younger runners and display the qualities and characteristics of a positive student athlete.


Huge SHOUT OUT to my sister-in-law Jenna on completing her nursing degree.  She has worked tirelessly to reach a goal she has set for herself.  Going to school when raising a family is no easy task, so her tenacity to see it through to the end is admirable.  We are all so proud of your accomplishments and look forward to hearing all about your new career.  


Rain coat, winter coat, and blanket were not quite enough to keep me warm while watching Aiden run in his second to last meet of the season.  I left school early (and used personal time) to sit out in the freezing cold and frankly, be a tad miserable, however, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I would assume that hundreds of other parents felt the same as they were out there braving the weather just to see their child compete.  With the weather conditions as they were, there were very few new state qualifiers, which led some athletes to leave in tears.  It was their last hope that they might be able to compete just one more time at state next week.  It is heartbreaking to watch athletes give it their all and somehow come up just short of their goal.  

Sometimes God's plan is hard to understand and comprehend when the desire is so strong.



I am 46 and Greg is 52 and this is the first birthday we can recall where we have had snow on the ground.  Crazy ND weather!
It is crazy to think that so many years ago, Greg and I were born on this day (although six years between us). I wonder what wishes and and dreams our parents had for us on the day of our births.  Did they hope for a child who would accomplish great things, did they hope for a child who made positive life choices, did they hope for a child who would be happy, did they hope for a child who would follow Jesus, did they hope for a child who would sleep through the night by 6 weeks, did they hope for a child who would be smart?  I can only assume that we both have fallen short hundreds, if not thousands, of times while we were growing up and even probably sometimes now as adults.   
What I can only hope is that Greg and I have lived a life that would make our parents proud!


Me:  Greg can you come home so I can go to the grocery store?
Greg:  I am actually just pulling into the driveway.
 Me:  If you think of anything else to add to the list, just text me.
Greg:  Hey, I don't want you to get freaked out, but there is a dead body in the back of the 4-Runner.
Me:  WTH ?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?! are you talking about?
Greg:  There is a body in the back seat because I need it for class.

I went to Wal-Mart with this in the back seat- I had visions of coming out to the vehicle and finding it surrounded by several police officers just waiting for the crazy lady who was brave enough to park next to other cars.

Greg and his anatomy class are creating an Escape Room for their final project and clearly one of the props is a 'dead body.'  Greg and one of his teacher friends, Brian Ham, are spearheading this project for the students at DHS and for the public.  Aiden and his AP US History class have designed a room that replicates an underground bunker during the Cold War.  They have been able to use the old Hagen building for this cool, end-of-the-year project.  

If you have a chance to go through an Escape Room, I highly recommend it  It is challenging and makes you think and problem solve but is so much fun at the same time.


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