Week #19


My attempt to replicate a brunch item from Terra Nomad was pretty successful.  I cannot say it tastes exactly the same, but adding our own twist of a maple/cream drizzle over the top makes it a tasty meal.  Belgian waffle, bacon pieces, Honeycrisp apple chunks, an over hard egg, and maple sauce.  Not only is this delicious, it is relatively quick to make, which is always a plus in my book.


Samson has been sooooo clingy lately.  I sometimes wonder if in his aging years he is just looking for comfort or to comfort someone.  When he senses that I am down or sad, he will not leave my side.  As much as it is annoying, it is just as sweet.  I know our time with a pet in the home is limited, so I continue to let him snuggle right next to me or on me (in this picture) if he so desires.  


This is the sunscreen we have used for years since our children were very young.  However, I cannot seem to let it go (even though our youngest child is 18).  Every time I use this sunscreen, it brings back such fond memories of my children when they were young and had not a care in the world.  Their biggest concern was that they would get to play at the park after nap time.  Oh, how sweet and simple life was back then.  Not that I am wishing for grandchildren anytime soon, but I am pretty sure I will continue to buy this sunscreen and use it on my grandchildren someday.  All the while reminiscing about the days of applying it to their mom or dad.


I love this graphic.  It is the epitome of new endeavors.  My favorite part is the pit of water (or maybe mud or quicksand), either way it is filled with expletives.  So often this is where people lose faith in their original plan and choose to give up.  The goal is use the bridge before you are drowning in the pit and have no way out other than to quit.  


Yes, you can absolutely get out if you have found yourself swimming in the chaos of the pit.  It happens to each and every one of us.  We can have the most perfectly laid out plan, but somehow it does not transpire into what we imagined.  Imagine if, every time that happened, we decided to throw in the towel?

Belief and persistence are the building blocks to inching your way out and finding yourself on the other side.  Believe in yourself and your dream and continue to persevere despite the setbacks because there will be many.  

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.
                                                            - 2 Chronicles 15:7


Just keeping it real for you all.  

Just in case you had this vision that the Jung household was clean and organized, I would like for you to see the reality of our dwelling.  I would love to say that this pile of laundry was warm and straight out of the dryer and that I was going to sit down, fold, and deliver it to the correct room.

Definitely NOT............................ it has been sitting here for days (that could mean as few as two days but as many as five days).  It doesn't really matter at this point because it will all have to be steamed to wear it.  

THE STRUGGLE IS REAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the plus side, I did get the sticker residue off of Aiden's running shorts before washing and drying them. Now that is a WIN!


This may look like an ordinary peanut butter and jelly sandwich; however, it is fried like a grilled cheese sandwich.  So yummy!  You do not have to be a 6-year-old to enjoy a pb&j.


Mother's Day!

Mother's Day began with church and then to Medora for brunch with the Jungs.  We stopped at Painted Canyon so Aika could see the Badlands in all of their glory and beauty.  Final activity of the day was to bike alongside Aiden as he completed his long run out in the country.

The weather was just gorgeous and warmer than a runner would prefer, so he took off his shirt and being the nice mother that I am, I offered to tie his shirt to my handle bar instead of him holding it or tucking it in his very short shorts.

As we were visiting and enjoying the peace of the desolate roads, I noticed our shadows and thought what a cool photo this would be for the blog.  Long story, short, as I snapped this photo, the shirt slipped off the handle bars and got caught in the front tire.  

WELL............................................................................THIS HAPPENED!

I would not say this was my most graceful moment of all time, however, my sweet son was right by my side picking up the bike and asking if I was OK. 
These are the moments of motherhood that are unforgettable.

As a mother.........

 I have cried tears of joy and sadness for my children
 I have had butterflies in my tummy when they had to public speak or perform in front of a group
I have cleaned countless spills of milk all over the table and floor
I have spent hours watching my sick child sleep  
 I have worried myself into a frenzy over teenage choices
 I have wiped more noses and butts than I can count
I have done laundry at 4 am when sickness hit in the middle of the night
I have made cheese buttons for a birthday dinner, even though that was the last thing I wanted to make

on the flip side...................

 I have made my kids cry
 I have made my kids incredibly angry
 I have hurt my children
 I have made parenting decisions that I regret
I have set a bad example at times
 MOTHERHOOD can be full of pain, heartache, sadness, discouragement, doubt, and worry.
MOTHERHOOD is also full of joy, love💗, sweetness, hugs and kisses👄, happiness, meaning, learning, laughter😂, snuggles, inspiration, growth, and a true privilege and honor.

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful women !!!!!


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