Week #18


I absolutely love my office space.  When I think of the number of hours spent in this place, it needs to feel safe and calming.  I am often not alone in my office and I hope this environment brings as much joy to others as it does to me.


You have to squint to see the happiness this photo brings me.  I was driving home from work and I saw these two (Aiden and his teammate, Brady) out for their training run.  The commitment and dedication these boys have shown is immeasurable.  It is commendable to see their hard work and effort pay off at times, but also end in disappointment at times.  What I 💗💗most is how their relationship has grown and matured over the past couple of years. They both show genuine happiness for each other when they accomplish a goal they have set for themselves.  
I am sooooooo grateful they get one more season of running together after this year.


Training day in Bismarck. 
We sent a team from our school to learn about NDMTSS (North Dakota Multi-Tiered Systems of Support).  This was one of several slides the presenter displayed, but for some reason this one stood out.  So often, people think that ability-grouping students is the answer to reaching all students, however, the statistics show that effective teaching methods are the strongest indication a student will learn the material.  The teacher-student relationship is also a key indicator in helping students.  

Educating our youth is quite the undertaking, but at the same time quite the privilege!


I am so thankful someone else believes that it is OK to have a meltdown.  I am pretty sure there is NOT one human on the planet that has not had at least one meltdown in their lifetime (and the toddler years do not count).  This quote spoke to me because sometimes we (women, in particular) find ourselves marinating in our own self-doubt and sorrow, when in fact we should just acknowledge it for what it is and move on with life!  

 Refocusing is the key word!  


Young Blood's Brown Sugar Latte is just a little bit of heaven in a cup.  Absolutely, love this place in downtown Fargo.  I told the boys that someday I would like to be a professor at NDSU and just hang out at the coffee shop correcting papers.  

If you pass through Fargo, do yourself a favor and stop by this adorable, simple coffee shop with a great vibe.  

#123 cont.

Sioux Falls, SD
Howard Woods Relays

Since there was a rain delay which pushed the boys' race back a couple of hours, we spent the afternoon walking downtown and through the Falls Park.  It is beautiful and a good distraction from the mounting nerves for the upcoming race. The boys were receiving their last minute pep talk/strategic plan before the race. The race began at approximately 10:00, which was late, but super cool under the lights.  

Do you spy Greg leaning over the railing on the bottom left???  He could not go onto the field, so he was trying to coach them from afar.  The boys (Aiden and Brady) are used to Greg giving them their splits right by the rail as they pass each consecutive lap.  This is a good simulation of the state track meet, which will take place in a few weeks as there are  NO COACHES ALLOWED ON THE FIELD! Both of these boys will compete in several events at the final meet of the season.  


On the final day of the Howard Wood Relays, Aiden and Brady finished their one-mile race with gorgeous weather. The pride we feel for these boys is just tremendous.  It is not solely about competing well, but rather what it took to get to the starting line at this meet: hard-work, commitment, devotion, responsibility, self-discipline, preparation, and a few pairs of running shoes.


Just let this sink in!  

We all wake up with the same ability to make intentional choices that can make an impact on others, both negatively and positively.
My goal for each and every day:
To jump into bed each night with a heart so full that my intentional choices and actions made someone else's life just a little bit better.  


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