Week #17


Oh how I love a day off of school!  Easter Monday was a beautiful day and Greg and I decided to go for a short run at 9:00 am.  With our busy schedules it is rare we can find time to go together.  Hopefully, the summer will bring the much needed relaxation that helps us stay connected despite the busy seasons in life.


Absolutely love this quote.  I used to beat myself up for not finishing a run within a predetermined time I set for myself. I would compare myself to others and their ability to run a 8:00 mile and wonder why I could not reach that level of fitness.  The older I get, the more grateful I am that I can just simply move with intent. 

I pondered the fact that humans often compare their area of weakness to someone else's strength.  

Imagine taking that time and energy and reinvesting it back into yourself.  Focus and purpose will follow.


With pure honesty, I can tell you that I have had a tough week.  Sometimes these things come out of nowhere and at the least opportune times, however, they need to be addressed.  I will admit that when things are going well in my life, I am happy, smiling, and just embracing the joy in life.  I am also the first to admit, when things are a bit rocky, I struggle to find ways to be happy, keep smiling, and feeling the joy that clearly still exists in my life. 
When things are not in perfect harmony, I often cannot find peace and solitude.  I have the Bible verse from 1Thessalonians 5:18 all over my house, but yet I forget to apply it to my own life.  

In all circumstances, be grateful for this is God's will for you.

I must remain grateful and thankful despite the circumstances that my human body and mind do not agree with and remember that these plans are in God's perfect timing and not mine.


Spring/summer shoes in and winter shoes out!  
Enough said!


Fun Friday night cleaning.  

When Landen came home for Easter and saw the inside of my oven, he stated, "I never thought I would see the day your oven is dirtier than mine!"  Ugh, that is a sign I should probably clean it.  Funny thing is....... we have a self-cleaning oven, but I won't use it because I have heard it is really hard on the oven and can damage the cabinets because of the extreme heat.  Not sure if that is true or not, but I choose not to use that setting.  I also will not use harsh oven cleaners, so that means that elbow grease, baking soda, vinegar, scrub pads, and a lot of time are all that is needed.

FYI:  Anyone (GREG) who fries bacon in the oven ever again may experience temporary pain!


Thank you Jack and Ireland for introducing us to this game.  It is so fun!  It is a game of strategy where you build settlements, roads, and cities by using your earned resources to make those purchases.  You will need to set aside a good hour or two, as it often takes that long for one of the players to earn 10 victory points, which is necessary to win.  


As you may have noticed, I have added several quotes this week.  I had mentioned above that I have had a tough week (nothing over the top bad, but just icky, which I can assume many of you have experienced). When life gets hard, I often tell myself that "I CAN'T."  I need to seek out positive quotes like this to remind myself that "I CAN" and "I WILL."  

The road to get there might be bumpy, hilly, curvy, flat, or even filled with several pot holes, but it will be God's intended road for me.  


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