Week #15


My Monday view from water tower hill on the west side of Dickinson.  I love this walk in in early spring as the fields will soon be prepared for a crops.  Beside the path, there are hundreds of empty corn cobs that have fed several animals in the winter months.  I enjoy watching the transformation from brown and dormant to green and growing.  Soon, my friends, this view will be sprouting vegetation.


Tuesday night fun at the Jung household!  We, as in Greg, Aiden, Aika, and I, watched the ND Academic Olympics on tv.  What I learned.... I am incredibly horrible at trivia and Greg is really good at trivia! Although, I think his trivia knowledge is quite useless - for example, who remembers which baseball team won the American League Championship in the year 1983?  I would prefer his information retention include bathrooms that should be cleaned each and every week or maybe that wearing shoes in the house actually brings in dirt. Just saying..........
By the way - the Baltimore Orioles won in 1983 and went on to win the World Series.  I will not remember this fact in approximately 7.8 seconds.


Who doesn't love the new Snapchat filters.  I sent this to Ireland on Snapchat when she sent me a picture of her living room.  First and foremost, Ireland's living room setup is much more modern and fun than my living room is and will ever be and secondly, I wished my eye makeup looked this good in real life.  Good thing I am old enough to not care!


 *11th Street West *

  I have always loved our street, but seeing the bare asphalt and beautiful sunrise makes the long winter almost unforgettable.  


This sweet boy is 18!  I literally cannot believe Greg and I have all adult children.  I seriously feel like he was just a toddler having a tantrum or a 7-year-old selling paint sticks to our neighbors.  I used to always order him a donut cake for his birthday because he did not have a say and I loved them, but as he started to age, he expressed more interest in ice cream cakes.  So, this year was no different than the others and I stopped by Dairy Queen to pick up the yearly ice cream cake.


I did not plan ahead and order a personalized cake, so I had to pick a cake that was already in the cooler.  As you can see from the above picture, I had slim pickings.  It was either this one or one with pink frosting.  I am still trying to figure out what the design is supposed to be (maybe a flower or a fidget spinner or a ceiling fan - your guess is as good as mine).  

The sad thing is --------------- I paid 26.99 for this cake.

Greg is convinced that this cake was decorated on a bet and someone won money when I purchased it because under NO circumstances should anyone have taken this cake home.  

  Now how do I turn this awful cake into something more appealing to look at and eat?  My co-worker, Jodi Kessel, has had some experience with DQ cakes 😉so she suggested I drizzle caramel and chocolate over the cake.  Such a wonderful idea.  

VOILA - maybe I should take up cake decorating.  To be honest, this was one of the best cakes because of the added toppings.  Jodi, you rock!


Aiden and I spent the day in Bismarck and ate lunch at Terra Nomad.  This little cafe is on Main Street and is such a treat every time we go.  On Saturdays, they only offer brunch where I had the BAC Waffle and Aiden had the Sloppy Scones.  The decor is simple, the atmosphere is calm and peaceful and the staff is super friendly. Oh and did I mention that the coffee is pretty fantastic as well.  Next time you are in Bismarck, give this place a try. It will not disappoint.

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Our church allows high school students the opportunity to attend a mission trip each summer.  All three of my children have taken advantage of this amazing faith experience.  The kids have traveled all over the country with our church family and this year Aiden's destination is a 'mystery.' 
These mission trips are expensive and the attendees are required to raise funds to help defer the cost per student. One of the annual fundraisers that the youth group holds is a silent auction. Aiden's basket is coffee related (which is one of his passions), although he did not want to part with the mugs or the coffee beans. 

What I love about mission work 💗

  • Service to others with no expectation of financial gain
  • Working in less than ideal conditions with other believers
  • Witnessing Jesus work through each other
  • Feeling of gratitude for their life back home
  • Growing faith by learning from each other
  • Almost NO technology and more face-to-face conversations
  • Developing a personal relationship with Jesus


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