Week #14


I took a few moments and reminisced about my days in Africa.  This trip was life changing for me.  I had always felt I was missing something in my life and not until this trip did I figure it out.  I longed to be part of a community of believers and to assist others in building their faith as well.  

This was one the first times in my adult life where I felt I could totally be me.  I was accepted for me and was not judged.  I know the mission was to help others, but I gained far more from this experience than I could have ever given to others.  It was a time of growth, acceptance, love, peace, and happiness and for that I am eternally grateful.  
Thank you Heather for making this trip possible. Love you 💗


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We have all heard the saying that 'money cannot buy happiness' and I used to believe that if we just had a bit more financial stability it would make life easier.  Yes, in theory it might make paying the bills or buying weekly groceries a little more feasible, but true happiness never comes from what we can or cannot purchase.

Happiness exists when we experience personal contentment and do not expect a life filled with rainbows and sunshine 24/7.

Happiness can include moments of anxiety, sadness, or even negativity; however, these isolated incidences should not define one's overall state of well-being.  We all have unfortunate circumstances that cross our daily paths, but we CAN choose to be happy despite the not-so-perfect life.


Tis' the Season - to all my Hallmark Christmas movie fans!  The holiday season brings so much joy to me and learning of 40 new movies being released this year makes my heart so happy.  I know that the story lines are incredibly predictable, but they are such feel-good movies that it does not matter.


Aiden and I are back at it.  Oh, how I have missed going for walks with him.  I love the conversations we have and how some of our most serious talks transpire during this short time.  We talk about his future, college, dinner plans, vacations, school, sports, the list goes on and on.  I cherish every single one of these walks together as I know they are numbered.  


Oh..... how I love you Amazon, and I know you love me as well, since I have been a big supporter of your site for many years now.  As Aiden's 18th 😥 birthday approaches and he tells me things last minute that he would like, I can pop onto the internet and with a few searches and clicks I can order an item to be delivered to my doorstep within 2 (sometimes 3) days.  

How did moms survive in this small town before Amazon was a thing??????


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I spent several hours catching up with one of my best friends.  We live close to each other, so I made her a coffee and walked over to her house.  I can only imagine that in a decade or so we might be able to do this on a Tuesday instead of waiting for the weekend.  

Crystal and I were teaching partners for nine years and we had many happy, stressful, funny, and sad moments in our years together.  I have taught two of her children and she taught one of mine.

 Our time together is valuable and precious and she is a true blessing in my life.


Aika and I attended the Richardton-Taylor prom on Saturday evening.  It is such a treat to see the students I work with all dressed up and enjoying themselves.  Each and every year, Mrs. Kuntz works alongside with the juniors to decorate and design such a beautiful space.  Way to go, Rhonda and junior class!


Somehow I have managed to keep this plant alive for almost 4 years.  A beautiful friend (Carla) gave this to me when I accepted my school counselor position at Richardton.  I have never in my existence been able to tend to a plant for this long and provide the right amount of light and water to see it grow and flourish.  I wonder how many more years of beauty this little treasure will provide???


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