Week #9


I am so grateful for the luxury of wearing glasses.  I had been blessed with great vision up until I entered my 40's. I think we take for granted that many of us have the financial resources to go to an optometrist and purchase a pair of glasses or contacts when we notice our vision is changing or not as sharp as it once was.  Working in the field of education, it is challenging to see students who need glasses but cannot afford them.  I also wonder about all of the less fortunate people in our world and how many go without because they just do not have the funding for such items.  So, I do see my glasses as a luxury as this small additional to my wardrobe allows me to see with almost perfect eyesight, which many do not or will not ever have.


STORYVILLE COFFEE - pretty sure this is the best coffee I have ever had.  From my first cup in Seattle to the now delivered to my doorstep coffee, I am happy we stumbled upon this gem a few years ago - thank you Carla M for that!


Shout-out to the ND Roads App!

It is amazing to me that not only can I find out the road conditions before I commute everyday, but I can also look at the cameras that are strategically placed throughout the interstate so I can view the conditions with my own eyes.  I love nothing more than opening the app and seeing a day with green (green = good).  With the crazy winter we have had in ND, this little piece of technology is pretty helpful.  


Stressful, chaotic day = my beverage of choice! 
The best Diet Coke on the planet is by far a fountain soda from McDonalds. 


I recently placed this message board inside a window in my office. I try and change it daily to provide an inspirational quote for the students to read as they pass by. I hope the quotes make them think and ponder its meaning. I always remind my students that failure is part of the process, but giving up is not.  True character is shown when one becomes resilient and sees that failure is part of the big picture.


Seriously, what more could I ask for on a Saturday night.  This sweet teenager spent his Saturday doing homework, training for track, and working a 7 1/2 hour shift at Dunn Brothers, and then spent the last part of his evening on the couch visiting with me and snuggling with his dog (ok - and his phone).  I need to relish these evenings and moments, as his days are numbered at the Jung residence. Lately, we have spent a great deal of time talking about life after high school and he continually reminds me that he wants the true college experience of living far away (UGH).

This photo was an advertisement and I think the young man looks just like Aiden so I had to include it with his picture from above.  I'm not sure if it is funny or creepy?!?!?!?!


The final picture of the week is NOT very positive or inspirational; however, with temperatures this cold, there is almost only one direction it can go and that is up.  Predicted temperatures for the week include the teens and low 20's so that is promising!  And....... it cannot stay winter forever, right?


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