Week #11


Sweet Sam!  In his old age, we notice he has cataracts and his vision is declining.  I wished they made doggy glasses so he could find his own treats and not have to use his sense of smell for everything.  We are trying to enjoy him as much as possible (although his licking is highly annoying) since we know he is not a spry little puppy anymore.


My view during the administration of the ACT exam for juniors.  I take the students to the Abbey in Richardton for the test.  It is a quiet environment without interruptions of the bells or announcements.  I love this view every year as I can see for miles and it makes me think of the endless possibilities out in the world.  As I reflect on the students I serve and the test they are taking, I wonder what life will look like for them after graduation.  Some may farm the land right here in front of me or some may choose to leave the small community with hopes of owning their own business in the big city.  Regardless of what they choose, my hope for each of them is that they follow their passion in whatever brings them joy.


The joy of runner's feet. 

 Aiden often has blisters and even ingrown toenails.  He just deals with it and carries on with the sport.  He often times knows exactly which run and which pair of shoes caused the blisters.  According to Aiden, nothing a new pair of shoes cannot fix. 


The inspirational quote I left up for several days this week.  Being kind should not be an isolated incident, but rather a series of daily behaviors that are meant to benefit others and not oneself.  


What does it mean to be mentally strong?

I wonder quite frequently if I am mentally strong.  I DO NOT think any one human can maintain mental strength at all times in all circumstances. When I reflect on my moments of weakness, each situation almost always involves my children or immediate family, which breaks two of the habits listed above (remaining optimistic and managing emotions). I do believe that self-awareness of one's shortcomings is crucial to becoming a mentally strong person and the person that God intended me to be.



  I am too cheap to hire an auto detailer, but really will consider it after this past winter trashed the inside of our vehicle.  Ok ----- I guess we are the ones who trashed it, but the mud, sand, salt, and water didn't help much.
Just a fun fact: The vacuum does not always pick up those teeny, tiny pieces of food, sand, and dirt, so I used an old toothbrush to release the particles from the floorboards, which worked very well, but was very labor intensive.  I would guess those auto detailers have a much more efficient and effective way of cleaning the interior of a vehicle.  

Pretty sure no one is allowed to drive this vehicle for quite some time.  


St John Lutheran Church Dickinson, ND

I love, love, love my church.  First and foremost, St. John has two of the most amazing pastors that make our church feel like home.  I have been very lucky that all three of my children attended youth group and have had amazing 'God moments' because of our church and those working with the youth.  

Today was very special because as I was a serving as a deacon, Greg was running the computer for the service, and Aiden and Macy attended service on their own.  I sat up front looking at my family with such pride that we belong to such a great community of believers.  To see my teenage son voluntarily pick up his girlfriend and join the congregation meant the world to me.  I pray that he and Macy continue their faith journey as they enter adulthood.  Such a blessed day!


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