Week #3


Our sweet Samson who just turned 12 years old last week.  We are not sure how much longer he will be with us, as he is going blind and deaf.  However, he is still one of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet and loves to curl up right next to me as I relax on the couch.


Greg's grandmother Reggie passed away and on Tuesday we celebrated her life.  She was one of the most positive people I have ever met in my life.  Her joy radiated under all circumstances.  She definitely experienced some hardships throughout her life; however, that was not a reason for her to become negative or see life through a "poor me" lens.  She will be missed by all!


There's more to life than being happy????????  The title of this Ted Talk was intriguing to me and is worth a listen.  The premise of the talk is that our sole purpose on this earth is NOT to just be happy, but rather live a life full of purpose.  In this egocentric world we live in, this is sometimes a challenge.  Society has taught us that being happy is a state of being that we should desire at all times and in all circumstances, which is true to some degree, but at the end of the day we should act with purpose and good intent to make our world, country, state, and community a better place.


Hallelujah - one of my coworkers brought me these at 3:30 when she knew that I had had a day (one of those days as an educator where going to the bathroom and having lunch are nonexistent)!  It is amazing how the right people show up exactly at the right time.  Thank you Kayla!  By the way, these cocoa yogurt raisins are pretty fantastic!



Words are not needed for this photo other than to take a few moments to recognize the beauty right in front of me.  Be intentional and soak it all in as there are millions of people in this world that will never see or touch snow.


When you need to get your miles in and you get incredibly bored, you start thinking deep thoughts. I started to ponder that "I" am the only person that can make myself run (no one can do it for me or get me to the gym) - so naturally, I began counting all of the I's on the screen.  I know it sounds silly and ridiculous, which it is, but it passed the time until I reached the time limit I set for my run.  Just in case you were wondering there are nineteen I's on the treadmill.  As I posted the picture though, I noticed the closed caption words on the screen, which added five more I's to the count.  The words read "and had hoped to do it with bikini wax."  Since I really do not watch the tv show while I am running (as I am in deep thought), I wonder what they were talking about on that TLC show???????  Now..... I am curious!


I finally found a pair of headphones that stay in my ears.  I have purchased numerous pairs over the years (after reading several reviews that they stay in while exercising), but none have worked quite like the Powerbeats!  Great purchase!


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