Going for it!

I am not much for new year's resolutions, however, I am going to attempt to take a picture per day for the entire year.  Several people I know have completed this challenge (that is what I call it because it will not be easy - for me anyway).  I will not post a random picture each day to annoy you all, but plan on updating my blog every Sunday with the week's pictures. 

The intent of taking a picture each and every day is to seek joy and find beauty in the world in which I live.


This is the first page in my bullet journal for 2019.  Life is full of adventure.  Adventure does not always equate to great experiences, but rather sometimes unexpected and disappointing adventures.  With each adventure (whether it be positive or negative) is an opportunity to become a better human.


 The words listed are those in which I hope to live by in the year 2019.  Some are super easy to achieve and accomplish and some will need to be very intentional.  

Thus, my specific word for 2019 is 'INTENTIONAL.'

I hope to make most of my decisions with specific intent and full of purpose.  


This girl loves coffee soooooo much that my husband and children surprised me with this beauty for Christmas.  Fun fact:  I really only love lattes, as I have never consumed a cup of black coffee yet to date.   Someday, I might just be brave enough to try it.   


There are no words that could do this sunset justice.  It is a true gift when I see one as beautiful as this, as it usually changes colors within minutes (if not seconds).


GAS is $2.19 - yippee!!!!  I consider reasonable gas prices a blessing as I spend an hour commuting each day.  I know all of my Fargo family and friends will be bragging that their gas prices are less than $2.00, but I am just grateful the fuel isn't costing me my paycheck.


This is my favorite photo of the week.  I am reminded how fortunate we are to have such lovely family and friends.  During the holiday season, I cannot wait to check the mail each day for the cards to arrive.  Thank you to all who continue to send us letters and cards each year, we truly appreciate it.  


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