
Image result for kids leaving for college meme
This could completely be me!

As I watch the car pull out of the driveway, I feel a sense of unease and sadness swirl within me.  I secretly wished the car would pull right back into 'her' garage spot and stay put....... but at the same time, I want her to drive back to college and continue living 'her' life.  There are just so many emotions that occur when watching your loved one leave, not quite knowing when the next planned reunion will take place.  I truly thought leaving her at college would have been the hardest moment, but saying goodbye after such a great weekend was more difficult than leaving her two weeks ago.  I can say that it has been interesting hearing all about her first college experiences and how they are beginning to shape her adult life.

College has certainly helped her learn that 'adulting', as she calls it, can have its ups and downs. 

---Things Ireland has learned in her two short weeks away from home ---

    *College tuition and room/board cost a ridiculous amount of money 
    *Some people (not her roommate) are not as sanitary as she would prefer
    *The dining center hours do not accommodate her work schedule (what ??? - why are they not   staying open until she gets done with work)
    *College professors are pretty cool but swear A LOT 
    *Clothing choices are very limited and should have brought a lot more 
    *What are non-slip shoes and why can't Nike make a cute pair of them? (those non-slip shoes are needed for work at Chili's)
    *Mom still cooks your favorite meals even though you are in college and aren't home to eat them
    *Gas in your car sure burns up quickly in a large city
    *The safe mom and dad bought for the money she will earn is being used to store other items (said items may or may not be allowed in the dorm rooms)
    *Realizing your major is not what you really want to do 
    *Seeing your ex-boyfriend walk into your first ever college class is a bit awkward
    *Calling mom in the middle of the day is completely acceptable (forgets not everyone is on             a college schedule)
    *Home is a pretty awesome place to be
---Things I have learned in her two short weeks away from home---

    *Our house is much too quiet (we had no idea how much joy and laughter she brought into our       home)
    *Aiden is much more quiet than we ever knew
    *College girls seem to need a lot more of everything than do college boys
    *As much as I want to text and call her everyday, I try to control myself and let her be the one to   reach out
    *She has way more free time to shop online 
    *That she is smart- since she knows how to find dual purpose in that safe we bought her
    *She still loves her family and finds true enjoyment when spending time with them
My tears have dried up and my thoughts turned happy again, as I remind myself that this is 'her' life. As God gives her the guidance she needs, HE is giving me the strength to know that HIS plans far exceed what I could ever wish and want for 'her.' 


Image result for god's plan


  1. Oh how I remember those days well!! With each of my four kids, it was different and yet the same. I know that emptiness in the pit of your stomach and the sense of missing someone so much it is almost a physical ache. She is smart. And she will do so well finding her way! And somehow it is different with a daughter than with the boys......not that we love them more or miss them more it's just......different. Wishing Ireland a wonderful first year and mom and dad and Aiden comfort in living the "new normal"!


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