18 years gone.

What happened in the last 18 years??

Our world changed approximately 18 1/2 years ago when our beautiful baby girl was born.  How did we decide her name??? 
  • Jenn hears the name on TV and thinks this would be a great baby girl name
  • Greg says "thank goodness you are not pregnant so we don't have to worry about that"
  • Jenn finds out 2 weeks later she is pregnant and figures that this is a sign
  • Greg says "we are NOT naming our child after a country"
  • Jenn doesn't give in and sticks with it for 5 straight months
  • Greg finally realizes he is not going to win this battle 
  • On October 3rd, at 7:45 pm, our little 6lb. 1/2 oz. IRELAND RAE was born (by the way, she would have been named Isaac Michael had she been a boy)
Most of you know her medical history so I am not going to go into that; however, I am going to share my thoughts regarding her life at home with us.  I remember bringing that little bundle of CRYING joy home and wondered---what now???  We had already had a child, but this felt different because we (no, maybe just me) worried about her all of the time.  So from the day of her birth, I was a mess of nerves.

What I find fascinating is that 18 years later I am experiencing those exact same feelings: feelings of uncontrollable fear and worry.  I am not bringing her home for the first time, but am sending her off into the great big world of uncertainty to live on her own for the very first time.

This time is so exciting for her (as it should be), but I am feeling a tad reluctant about it all.  As I have been preparing for graduation, I find myself reminiscing quite often.  I have gone through hundreds of photos and each one brings me back to that moment in time with her.  It sometimes brings giggles and laughs and sometimes it brings tears of what will no longer be.  I think of dance recitals, numerous optimist basketball games, creating new and fun hair styles, and our shopping sprees. These memories will be replaced with late night phone calls, weekend/holiday visits, and an appreciation for our limited time together.  With the sadness that looms overhead, I can also see the promise of what is to come.

God has blessed her with many talents which will prove beneficial to her when she is living independently.  I guess all I can hope is that she follows the plan that God has set forth for her and all that she will accomplish in HIS honor.  God is also preparing my heart to let her go.  I can't say that the task is easy right now or will get easier as the day of her departure nears.  What I do know is that my job of instilling in her of what I believe to be true to God's word is done.  HE will now continue to carry her through the next phase of her life and I am so excited to see how that unfolds.  

This Bible verse gives me hope of what lies ahead for our dear Ireland Rae. We Love You!

“Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it” Proverbs 22:6


  1. Brought tears to my eyes!! She is beautiful inside and out!! Somehow it's different for us moms to let those daughters go!! I can totally relate!! <3


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