G's and H's

I have always disliked goodbyes.  I will find any excuse to not be present when goodbyes are likely to occur.  I am unsure of what I dislike about them, but it seems so final and so sad. 
I am in a season of life where goodbyes are happening around me continuously.  I just said goodbye to Ireland and her youth group as we sent them off to Flathead Lake for a week of mission work.  I said goodbye to Greg and Aiden as they headed to the Beartooth Mountains for a week as well. 

Unfortunately and fortunately, life is all about goodbyes and hellos !
I will be saying goodbye to a place that has welcomed me every August with open and happy arms.  I now realize what a comfort it was to turn that familiar key in the lock of MY classroom door each and every day. 
I will say "goodbye" to the keys that have been carried in my pocket or hung around my neck for so many years and I will say "hello" to a new set soon.  I will be leaving my known world of teaching in a classroom to be a K-12 counselor in Richardton/Taylor. 
I am also saying "goodbye" to this clean desk.  I always dreamed that my teaching desk would look like this during the school year, but it never seemed to happen.  Lesson plans happened, grading papers happened, entering grades happened, curriculum planning happened, and even lunch happened at this desk.  I am grateful for the time spent at this desk, but I am also ready to say "hello" to new adventures and challenges. 

 It surely is hard to say goodbye to all of the wonderful people and students I have met along the way, but as LIFE carries on there will always be a new "hello" for every "goodbye". 

So my new "hello" begins this fall.  It will begin with "hellos" to new staff, new schools, new students, grad school (again -ugh), and driving each day.  As with any of us, I'm sure this won't be my last "hello" or at some point down the road my last "goodbye".

Thanks again Jefferson and Heart River friends and families!


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