New Year - Middle-Aged Me - Old Furniture

I started out my Christmas break intending to complete a couple of home projects that have been waiting until I see the perfect Pinterest project that I just have to try.  My inspiration began with my lack of organization in our home.  We Jungs seem to have some sort of "paper issue" that we cannot seem to control.  It is a bit obnoxious how much paper we accumulate in our house: bills/magazines/newspapers/junk mail/grade reports/sports schedules (not just current ones, but past seasons and upcoming seasons)/homework/bank and medical statements/sales flyers/church calendars (some recent & some a year old)/etc.  I know many of you are saying that I should go paperless and sign up for electronic statements, which I agree I should; however, I have a slight "control" issue and I feel that if I don't see the bill or statement, I will forget to pay it.  This forgetfulness is due to the inbox of my email being littered with emails from shopping sites that I had to sign up for to get that 10% discount on my first purchase.  BTW:  I rarely ever buy anything from these companies so I'm not sure why I keep signing up and cluttering my life with nonsense emails.

Anyway, how does my "paper issue" relate to old furniture???  Years ago, I somehow inherited a piece of furniture from my mom and dad that was originally my Grandpa Stan's (Mitch and Mike - the only reason I got this piece was because you were still in grade school and middle school and didn't need the dresser - because the whole Enderle family knows that if there is anything mom and dad have that Mitch or Mike want it somehow magically ends up at their house).  Grandpa Stan is 95 and my Grandma Helen "Nana" is 91.  Grandpa's generous donation (although I'm pretty sure he has no idea that I have his old dresser) was my inspiration for my "paper issue".  This dresser was being neglected in our cold storage room down in the basement and was currently housing junk, old photos and frames, a whole drawer devoted to cords: phone cords, cable cords, electronic cords, VCR cords (I can see you are starting to realize we are hoarders, because who still has a VCR cord ??), craft paints that were so old and crusty they all needed to be thrown, and Greg's stock pile of wine, which clearly holds the highest value. 

So as I reminisced about my grandparents, I got to thinking that I should repurpose (or upcycle- as the professionals would say) grandpa's old dresser. 

As you can see the dresser has some "issues"  kind of like my "paper issues".  I can see that they are a match made in heaven meant to solve each other's "issues".  I planned to use my inspiration from Pinterest to take up the chalk paint craze and salvage this very simple piece of furniture.  Those of you that know my grandpa would agree that he is a very simple man so it is not a surprise he would have a solid wood, but very simplistic piece of furniture. 
I just can't even stand how CUTE my grandpa Stan is!!!!! 
As I planned my upcycled project, I realized that I had no place to purchase chalk paint since it was New Year's Day.  So I turned to my best friend for advice: Pinterest.  I had no idea that a number of people make their own chalk paint.  So I continued my DIY project and mixed my own chalk paint.  It was super easy and seemed to look, feel, and smell just like chalk paint.  It was just a fraction of the cost of chalk paint as well. 
What surprised me was that as I spent a few hours painting (and waxing for you chalk painters out there) in quiet solitude, I became very nostalgic, which is a sure sign that I am middle-aged.  I thought of the things I specifically remember about my grandpa.  He is a man of few words, but when he does speak he has profound things to say.  He has more FAITH than most people I know.  I remember him spending countless hours making rosaries to send across the world.  I remember box upon box of plastic beads of every color sitting on the floor next to his chair.  As a child or young adult, I didn't appreciate his giving nature or completely understand his goal of sharing "The Word" with others.  I now see his strong faith and generosity and hope that I can follow in his footsteps.  Grandpa still attends church, even though, it is a bit harder for him to get there now than it was 10 years ago.  He really is an amazing man and I am fortunate to call him "my grandpa".  When my grandma fell and broke her hip last year, he stood by her side every single day to help with her recovery.  He truly believes in "until death do us part".  When we visited shortly after her accident, we witnessed this sweet moment. 
My brother Mitch is pushing my grandma in her wheelchair and grandpa just walked up beside her and grabbed her hand!  This is true love -  they just celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary!
Grandpa Stan and Nana live in an assisted living center in Spearfish where they receive the minimal amount of care, which is truly amazing considering their age. 
So when I started my "paper issue" project, I did not expect my day to be filled with such gratitude and love for my entire family.  I did eventually finish my project this morning and couldn't be happier with my finished piece.  What I LOVE more than anything is that I will think of my grandpa each time I look at my "new - old" dresser upcycled by a middle-aged woman.  It is astounding to me how God blesses me at the most unexpected times.
Completed piece! 
It no longer houses cords, wine, and frames, but items to make my "paper issues" disappear (or so that is what I am hopeful for in this new year).
God's Blessings to you in this New Year!


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