Winter Tree

I was staring out the bedroom window wondering how our bare and seemingly lifeless tree makes it through our rough winter season in North Dakota.  I started thinking how this tree that once was so vibrant, beautiful, and resilient is now so vulnerable.   This tree is one that a few short months ago provided a home for a family of robins and provided shade so our hosta plants could thrive.  Yet, as I continue to gaze out my window, I look at this skeleton of a tree and wonder how amazing God is that he made trees to survive such harsh conditions and varied temperatures.  Those strong roots down below (what we can't see) give it the strength to withstand almost anything mother nature throws at it.  It may not be anything to "ooh and aahhh" at in the winter months, but it is preparing itself for what it will provide in the months to come. 
 This reminded me of myself at times and how I am very similar to this winter tree right now.   I  feel very vulnerable and that I have nothing to offer.  I live day to day just trying to make it through; however, I need to remind myself that God has given me those strong roots as well, MY FAITH.  Although, I find myself hoping my physical being can solve all challenges that I face on a daily basis.  As the tree has harsh weather conditions to endure,  we, as working women and men, face harsh life conditions:  job expectations, family/children, finances, health, happiness, etc.   It made me think that if I spent half of my time on growing and deepening my roots, I would find that the above life conditions wouldn't be such an issue.  All of "MY" life conditions are just life conditions and only exist because I give them space to grow within my roots.  
I had no idea that when I spent a few minutes looking at the tree outside my window these thoughts would have come to mind, but I know when God wants me to hear his message he usually places it in flashing lights in front of my face.



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