Taco Soup - Heaven - Public Speaking - New Apartment

5:17   I entered the house exhausted from a day at school, looked at the mess around me and was feeling so overwhelmed. How in the world was I going to get dinner made in a 1/2 hour as Aiden and I were going to attend a worship service at church at 6:00?????  This seems to be the continuous battle I come face-to-face with everyday.

Positive moment #1

I had forgotten I had some freezer meals that I made back in July.  I was lucky enough to find taco soup which only needed to be warmed and we even had tortilla chips and cheese to add to it. This is a miracle as the ingredients we typically buy for a meal usually disappear long before I get to make the meal.

Positive moment #2

Aiden was telling me that two of his teammates were atheists.  I thought that was an interesting topic to be bringing up, but I sat and listened to him tell me that these two boys don't believe in God.  I asked him what he thought about that and he said, "I'm glad I believe in Jesus!".  I agreed and continued to stir my taco soup and thought our conversation was over.  He proceeds to tell me that he should be nice to everyone because you never know when Jesus will come back to take those who believe in Him.  He concluded with "I would hate to be in heaven and know that I wasn't kind to someone left on Earth".   I thought that statement was quite profound for a 7th grade boy!  When I asked him how he came up with that he said, "I'm sure I'm just thinking about God because I'm going to mentor groups at church tonight".   Only Aiden- so matter of fact!

Positive moment #3

Miss Ireland has volunteered to read scripture at our new Wednesday night church service (ok, truth be told, I signed her up so she really didn't have a say).  She did it, though, with a smile on her face and she did an awesome job. So proud of her for being brave enough to do it since I know she is a bit like me and fears speaking in front of a group of people.

Positive moment #4

Landen signed papers to move into his own place. I know it sounds like I am super happy that he is moving out, but I am actually just excited for this new chapter in his life, as he is as well.

So here I sit, a mere 4 hours later, and my whole perspective has changed.  My mind and body are no longer filled with chaos, but gratitude for the positive moments that circle my life on an hourly basis.  


This moment with Aiden


  1. Huge heart smile, Jenn. You remind us all that life IS grand, sometimes we just need to open our eyes to actually see it. Love you, Jenna


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